pool maaintenance costs

Budgeting for a Pool: Understanding Pool Maintenance Costs

Regular care is necessary for a pool to last a long time and remain safe. In this article, we highlight the points which can help you understand pool maintenance and repair costs. Regular maintenance can prevent pool equipment, plumbing, and surface damage. 


Avoid pricey long-term repairs or replacements by opting for regular pool cleaning & maintenance to save money. Germ, algae, and other harmful contaminants can’t thrive if cleaning and maintenance are done regularly. Consequently, the water in the pool will be more alluring and pleasurable for swimmers to enjoy. A balanced chemical environment is necessary for the pool to last a long time and to maintain the safety of its users.

Factors that Affect Pool Maintenance Costs 

There can be several factors that can affect the  swimming pool maintenance costs, including:


  • A pool that is of large size will require more chemicals to clean and more equipment to maintain, which may increase the cost of its maintenance. 
  • Costs of maintenance may vary depending on how often a pool is used. Additional frequent usage, necessitates, additional upkeep, and cleaning of the pool.
  • The location of the pool can affect the cost of maintenance, as pools in areas with high wind, rain, or dust may require more frequent cleaning. 
  • The upkeep expenses of a pool can vary due to multiple factors, including the design (saltwater or chlorinated), which may necessitate different chemicals and equipment, as well as the type and age of the equipment utilized. Other factors like pool size, usage, location, and the choice to hire professional maintenance services can also impact maintenance costs. In addition, older or deteriorating equipment may require more frequent repairs or replacements, leading to increased expenses.


Considering all these factors while budgeting for pool maintenance costs is crucial.


Also Read : 7 Reasons Why Swimming Pool Maintenance is Important

Types of Pool Maintenance

Regular pool maintenance is crucial for maintaining cleanliness, safety, and functionality. Common pool maintenance tasks include chemical upkeep, which involves checking and adjusting pH, chlorine, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels to keep bacteria, algae, and impurities at bay. Skimming and cleaning the pool’s surface to remove debris and brushing the walls and floor to eliminate pollutants and algae are also important maintenance procedures.


Vacuuming is important to remove dirt from the sides and floor of the pool, preventing blockages in the filtration system. The filter needs to be cleaned or replaced regularly to maintain proper water flow and filtration. Maintaining the correct water level is also essential for the optimal operation of the pool.

Average Pool Maintenance Costs 

Average swimming pool maintenance costs may vary, depending upon several factors, such as the pool size, the type of maintenance required, location, and, most importantly, whether you choose to do it by yourself or hire a professional. Here are some of the estimations of average pool maintenance costs. 


If you want to go for chemical maintenance of the pool, that may cost from $50 to $100 monthly. Skimming and cleaning may cost you around $75 to $100, but all of these costs are variable and subjective to factors that can affect the costs of pool maintenance, including size, equipment required, and how labor-intensive the job is. 

DIY vs. Professional Pool Maintenance

In case you are one of those people who are willing to invest time as well as effort in maintaining the swimming pool, then you can opt for DIY. But you have to keep your eye on certain things, and you must have some knowledge as well as skills on the DIY process so that you will be able to repair any mistakes that are made


Professional pool maintenance involves hiring an experienced pool technician to care for the swimming pool. In many ways, it will be a more convenient option for those who do not have the time and knowledge to maintain their pool by themselves. 


The following are some significant factors that may help you to decide whether you should choose DIY or professional pool maintenance. 


  • DIY pool maintenance can be less expensive than hiring a pool technician, but you may spend extra money if you are unable to complete the DIY project.


  • DIY projects for swimming pool maintenance can be time-consuming, especially if you are unaware of the procedures. If you hire a professional pool technician, you will finish your work quickly. 


  • If you decide to opt for professional maintenance of your pool, you can save on costly repairs later on. A DIY project could expose you to dangerous amounts of pool chemicals if they’re not used in the proper measure. It could be hazardous to your health and could potentially damage your pool’s tiles as well. 


Investing in regular pool maintenance is a wise way to save money and sell your property at a better price. A well-maintained swimming pool has always been in demand for any homebuyer. Regular maintenance can prevent major issues from developing, for instance,  leaks or equipment malfunctioning. We highlighted important points regarding the maintenance cost of a pool. We hope it will help you to come up with an accurate budget and choose wisely when it comes to opting for a professional service or giving it a DIY touch! If you have any queries regarding maintenance costs and other pool services, you can  always contact Alliance Pool & Patio